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WaveForms Project Idea: Relating Sound and Light Waves

Team Members: William Drake Dial, Ryan Short, Fielding Blanchard, Nathaniel Behrick

First Update October 2, 2014

The team presents their project idea of relating sound waves to light waves. After further research, they discovered that they would not be able to have the tone of the light waves provided by a speaker as light waves vibrate outside of the auditory spectrum of the human ear.

Second Update

October 14, 2014

The team discusses a prototype circuit diagram for their project as well what the Arduino microcontroller will have to do to make the project function the way that they want it to.

Third Update

October 28, 2014

The team shows a prototype circuit and discusses revisions that they would like to make before they impliment the circuit on their final project.

Fourth Update

November 5, 2014

William and Fielding discuss the final version of the teams project. Due to the timing of the filming, only William and Fielding were able to be in this video.

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